Archive | March, 2014

Complexity and the Nexus of Leadership

25 Mar

Next book for Reading:

Complexity and the Nexus of Leadership – Leveraging nonlinear Science to Create Ecologies of Innovation


Jeffrey Goldstein

James K.Hazy

Benyamin B.Lichtenstein.


I was gifted this book in 2013 and have already read through it one time last summer. After reading Connected – The Amazing power of Social Networks and how they shape our lives(long name!), I decided it would be a good read again.

Complexity and the Nexus of Leadership is in short a look at networks and how one can adjust them in order to help emergence of qualities vital for businesses. It is up-to-date and brings exemples from both business world, chemistry and biology together to describe systems and networks.

Looking forward to writing about it.

Connected – The amazing power of Social Network

22 Mar


Next book for review: Connected – The amazing power of Social Network and how they shape our lives.

By Nicholas Christakis MD, Phd & James Fowler


Connected – A great introductionary book to social networks – which is in fact the missing link in our understanding of ourselves


After reading this book I have come to understand certain marketing/political efforts better.

Feministiskt Initiativ – a Swedish feminst party, has according to their Facebook post (22nd of March) doubled(!) their facebook likes on Facebook since the start of 2014. I believe this is partly tge result from very clever media agency. A part from social networking a  thing for politicans they have taken to house partys – formally done by companies as Tupperwear, Amway, Zincino and Aloevera.

If the people at houseparties, tell their friends who might tell their friends, the impact is not only the people attending but possibly thousands of people.

Difference between the house parties and going into is, that it is a political idea and that they are going into the homes to people for discussion and communication. In a more personal way than the TV did with JFK or Abraham Lincoln and the Newspaper i.e. – the speech in Ghettysburg.